Starting with an ordinary deck, the magician explains he's not sure he's playing with a full deck. "And, rather than to limit your selection to less than 52 cards, we will uses these cards to create one just for you. You will make all the choices." With the spectator controlling all the choices relating to suit and value, a card is created in the most fair manner imaginable.
"Now, my hands are empty. Wouldn't it be amazing if I had your card in my wallet right now?" The magician reaches for his wallet and removes a 52-on-1 playing card. "There it is, the 9♦! Between the 8♦ and the 10♦." The audience realizes they have been taken in but the magician charges forward. "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, sure, it's amazing that I would have a card that matches the one you would select in my wallet. But you are wondering if there is anything else I can do with this. Watch. If I wave these 52 cards (the gag card) over these 52 cards (the deck), a single card turns face up. Your selection." The magician waves the gag card from the wallet over the deck and then spreads the deck. A single card has turned face up and it's the selected card.
"As amazing as that is, if I wave this card (the card that turned face up in the deck) over these 52 cards (the gag card), we complete the miracle." The magician turns over the gag card and its face is now the same as the selected card.
The Details. All cards/gaffs are printed in plastic. There are no pencil dots, crimps, etc. used. The effect uses an entirely new method which was first explained in the Semi-Automatic Card Tricks series in 2015.