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  • The Trapdoor - Volume 1

Product Description

This 520 page, massive tome includes the first 25 issues of the legendary magazine plus 56 pages of new material including commentary, corrections, context and cross references by title, contributor, and issue. Hardbound in luxurious pebbled black faux leather binding made from genuine faux cows, and stamped with the finest gold foil. Aside from the greatest close-up magic from some of the best minds of our time, you will also enjoy humorous editorials, bogus advertisements, thoughtful articles, and the always warm left-overs. 

The fifteen year run of The Trapdoor (the most original magic magazine since the original magic magazine) is being bound into a set of three stout and beautifully matching volumes. This first volume consists of the first five years which ran from 1984-1988. It is exclusively available only at SteveBeam.com.    


“This is a great book, based on a great magazine that many magicians, myself included, have been hounding Steve to release in book form for years. I've often said that there are only a handful of authors whose works I'd buy sight-unseen. Juan Tamariz and Darwin Ortiz are two of those authors. Another is Steve Beam, and this book proves that he belongs in that category.” Jason England, MAGIC, August 2011.


  Read Steve Bryant's review of THE TRAPDOOR here:  http://littleegyptmagic.com/magic_october2012.html

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The Trapdoor - Volume One


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